Evil Forces in the World

Reflections on ''Evil Forces in the World,'' as well as occasional remarks concerning ''Good Forces in the World.''

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Slappo-drappo, dapple
My cranapple
Make an example of every
Ample, cornucopia
Cappadocia, regulate the area
Like OSHA,
Keep drinkin' hooch, Hopper,
Dennis, kick back,
Admiral Stennis

This is a remarkable story, and well worth reading. I can't say I'm a fan of Koh, but I'm grateful to him for having, via a circuitous route, brought this to my attention:

As you can imagine, mid 19th Century Yale was not an easy place for Yung Wing. His Yale class had only 98 members. It had precious few people of color, no women, and virtually no non-Christians. As the only yellow in a white world, Yung Wing was, at best, a curiosity, at worst, a freak.During his freshman year, Yung Wing wore his Chinese tunic and wore his hair in a topknot, but by second year, he was dressed and groomed like an American. Like many freshmen, he sweated over his studies until midnight every night. He worked so hard that he took little or no exercise. He had almost no social life. His sophomore year he almost flunked differential and integral calculus, which his autobiography said he absolutely "abhorred and detested." To pay his tuition, he worked as a waiter in his residential college, as well as a librarian in one of the college debating societies. Yet remarkably, in the words of an admirer, the Rev. Joseph Twichel, he "made a sensation that was felt beyond the college walls by bearing off repeated prizes for English composition."

That is what we call "slammin'." Well done, Yung Wing! Show them how it's done! This man seriously delivered. The story continues.
Around 1.6million viewers saw the scene on Tuesday during the programme’s hour-long 10pm slot.

Five spokesman Nick Dear yesterday insisted: “Rebecca was not chosen for some sort of titillation. The vet decided that she was the most competent person to do it.”

But Five and Ofcom were bombarded with complaints. Cabbie Ian Millar, 32, of Salford, Gtr Manchester, said: “It was horrible. I could barely watch.”

And yet somehow you managed. If this isn't a force of evil, I don't know what is.